Sunday, March 8, 2009


I had a new American experience this week : Pop-Tarts Frosted Blueberry.

One sentence comes to my mind right away : What the crap !?!
Who on earth would invent something so weird ? It's not that bad but it's not good either. It's way too sweet even for me.
Anyway... I did it but I'm not in a rush to do it again.


  1. What are you talking about!! I love pop-tarts!! I don't like the blueberry one though i do admit:):) but i like the strawberry ones:):) Im glad you tried them!!! If you think those are too sweet you have to try chocolate covered cherries!!! Now those are some sweet treats!!! A lot worse than the pop-tarts!!!

  2. Senja, you seem to be a Pop-Tart master. So I'm going to follow your advice and try the strawberry one... but just because it's you ! ;-)
    I love chocolate and cherries but if you tell me it's sweeter than the frosted blueberry, it's definitely not for me

  3. i eat pop tarts probably 4 times a month at work. they hand them our for free. anyway i still can't decide if i like them or not and sometimes when i'm halfway through eating them, i always think, "why am i eating this?!?!"
