Sunday, January 18, 2009

30 ?... Already ?!

Tuesday, I will turn 30 but I love to think that I'm still 2.
What do you think ? ;-)
I know it's not big deal and that it won't change my life but I feel like I just hit a new chapter of my life that I was not in a rush to write. 
Let's wait and see what happens...


  1. 30 is no big deal. I was a little afraid at first, but then I then I just embraced it and became proud of the fact that I was an older and wiser woman! I am so glad you started a blog, and it is so cute! Promise you will update it often, and not in French please.

  2. Thanks for your encouragements. I will do my best to handle my 30, update my blog and write in English without too many mistakes.
